Tuesday, February 17, 2009

lemon and lime gatorade.

electrolytes are good for stomach flu.
which i acquired on sunday afternoon, no fun.
friday night i took boomers with oreos. no more oreos in my near future, or boomers.
but i tell you what, across the universe is that much better on them. amazing movie, even if the beatles songs are kinda forced.
i've been logging serious hours in topeka this past month.
it's okay though, the van burns are gone. and i know sharkey's misses me.
i realized that i kind of have 3 different lives.
1-kansas city
i live out of a bag 5 out of 7 nights a week. that is fucking insane if you ask me.
supertramp. into the wild-another amazing movie.
one week and i'm off to denver for JEW, i've been brushing up on my lyrical knowledge and have begun to love them again / even more.
i love road trips. i'm so fucking excited to see hallie and henry and experience denver.
i'm going to look into getting a bottle of that sailor jerry rum, i read a whole article on that dude, cool fella, pioneer in tattoos in hawaii.
time for a nap.

Monday, February 9, 2009


apparently missy's t9 says 'huspaz' instead of hooray, it is the new way to say it now, get on board.
another 50hr work weekend was had with yet another sunday funday that i should not have participated in.
it's hard to turn down the shark tank.

note to self: remember the name bob ryan.

i've considered moving, but, it would delay my westward dreams a little longer. although it would be more cost efficient.
depression is setting in.

i'm going to denver at the end of the month, it is a very needed vacation.
if you don't know, honey, would you just say so? cause i need this now more than i ever did.

The way you’re singing in your sleep.

The way you look before you leap.

The strange illusions that you keep.
You don’t know,
but I’m noticing.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

welp, here we go.


it's quite hilarious i am starting this today,
my friend brought up Xanga so subsequently
i read through my old entries.

yay for blogging.

so, to start off:
go here.... http://pleasefindthis.blogspot.com